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Frequently Asked Questions

Will ISEA Retirees help me with insurance questions or help me get a claim paid?
Yes, we will make certain the claims have been submitted to your insurance plans, following your health administrator’s regulations. We have experienced Insurance staff to help ISEA Retiree members with insurance matters or to file claim appeals when required.

Do I have coverage for a hearing aid and exam?
Coverage for these services can vary depending on whether you retired as a teacher, university or state retiree. Please contact your insurance carrier at the telephone number listed on the back of your insurance card to ascertain your eligibility for these benefits. To avoid the frustrations of being put on hold or with leaving messages when calling your insurance company, you may call ISEA Retirees.

Do I have insurance coverage when I travel outside of the U.S.?
Those who have a Medicare Advantage Plan do NOT have coverage and must obtain travel insurance during the time they are outside of the Continental U.S. We do suggest you check and verify this with the insurance carrier listed on your insurance card.

Whom do I contact when my spouse dies? The Social Security Administration at 1-800-772-1213 (TTY 1-800-325-0778) and the appropriate Retirement System.

Specific Retirement Systems:

State Employees Retirement System
2101 South Veterans Parkway P. O. Box 19255Springfield, IL 62794-9255 (217) 785-7444

State University Retirement System
1901 Fox Drive
P.O. Box 2710
Champaign, IL 61825-2710
(217) 378-8800 (800) 275-7877

General Assembly Retirement System
2101 South Veterans Parkway
P.O. Box 19255
Springfield, IL 62794-9255
(217) 782-8500

Judges' Retirement System
2101 South Veterans Parkway
P.O. Box 19255
Springfield, IL 62794-9255
(217) 782-8500

Teachers Retirement System
2815 West Washington
P.O. Box 19253
Springfield, IL 62794-9253
(217) 753-0311 (800) 877-7896

ISEA Retirees
2060 W. Iles, Suite D - Springfield, IL 62704
Phone: (217) 698-6070, (217) 698-6087, (217) 698-6112 | Fax: (217) 698-6079

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